Private Lessons

from your living room...

45 minute lesson


single lesson

  • 1 on 1 video lesson with Joe
  • Access to video recording of lesson
  • Flexible Scheduling
Book a Lesson

Weekly Lessons


10 lesson package - 3 monthly payments

  • Best value
  • 10 lessons to be used within 3 months
  • 3 Monthly payments
Book Lessons

What You Need

If you have a webcam (most laptops have them built in), then you can take lessons online! Here isĀ my recommendationĀ for the best experience...

  • Laptop or desktop computer with webcam. Tablets and IPads work ok, but computers are best.
  • Something to play the practice tracks. Usually an additional phone or tablet with a bluetooth speaker.


  • Sit a little ways back from the computer. Test your camera to see what you look like. I don't need close ups, I'd really just like to see from the guitar up to your face in one shot. You usually have to scoot back for that.
  • You don't need a special webcam for this, but if you ARE shopping, look for one that has a wide angle lens. 90 degrees is nice, then you don't have to scoot back as far.
  • Don't worry about it too much! We can spend a little extra time during the first lesson getting things set up, and if we have problems we can just deal with them as they come up...

Policy Stuff

  1. Rescheduling - You can reschedule if needed, as long as I have at least 24hrs notice. Lessons cancelled within 24hrs are forfeited.
  2. Scheduling - You can schedule your lessons as soon as you've paid for them. Unfortunately, you can't see the available times before then, so just email me at [email protected]Ā to check the times. Once again, I need 24hrs notice.
  3. I'm sure there's more, but at the end of the day I'm pretty reasonable, so if something comes up, let's just talk about it!

After you purchase a lesson...

Go to "My Library". Find the lesson and select it to view and schedule the lesson. You can schedule up to 30 days in advance. If you purchased a weekly plan, just schedule the first month, you can schedule the rest as we go. If you end up having a conflict,Ā you can reschedule later as long as I have 24hrs notice. Go back to your Library when it's time for your lesson. Select it, and select the appropriate session. When it's time, click "Join Session" to start the lesson. I'll see you there!